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Percolation Graph Matching Methods


  similarity = NULL,
  r = 2,
  ExpandWhenStuck = FALSE



A matrix, igraph object, or list of either.


A matrix, igraph object, or list of either.


A vector of integers or logicals, a matrix or a data frame. If the seed pairs have the same indices in both graphs then seeds can be a vector. If not, seeds must be a matrix or a data frame, with the first column being the indices of \(G_1\) and the second column being the corresponding indices of \(G_2\).


A matrix. An n-by-n matrix containing vertex similarities.


A number. Threshold of neighboring pair scores.


A logical. TRUE if expand the seed set when Percolation algorithm stops before matching all the vertices.


graph_match_percolation returns an object of class "graphMatch" which is a list containing the following components:


matching correspondence in \(G_1\)


matching correspondence in \(G_2\)


the order of vertices getting matched


a vector of logicals indicating if the corresponding vertex is a seed


L. Yartseva and M. Grossglauser (2013), On the performance of percolation graph matching. COSN, Boston, MA, USA, pages 119–130.

E. Kazemi, S. H. Hassani, and M. Grossglauser (2015), Growing a graph matching from a handful of seeds. Proc. of the VLDB Endowment, 8(10):1010–1021.


# match G_1 & G_2 using percolation graph matching method
cgnp_pair <- sample_correlated_gnp_pair(n = 20, corr =  0.5, p =  0.8)
g1 <- cgnp_pair$graph1
g2 <- cgnp_pair$graph2
seeds <- 1:10 <= 3
GM_perco <- gm(g1, g2, seeds, method = "percolation", r = 2, ExpandWhenStuck = FALSE)
#> gm(A = g1, B = g2, seeds = seeds, method = "percolation", r = 2, 
#>     ExpandWhenStuck = FALSE)
#> Match (20 x 20):
#>    corr_A corr_B
#> 1       1      1
#> 2       2      2
#> 3       3      3
#> 4       4      8
#> 5       5     12
#> 6       6     11
#> 7       7     17
#> 8       8      6
#> 9       9     19
#> 10     10     10
#> 11     11     18
#> 12     12      9
#> 13     13      5
#> 14     14     14
#> 15     15     15
#> 16     16     16
#> 17     17      4
#> 18     18      7
#> 19     19     13
#> 20     20     20

# matching accuracy with the true alignment being the identity
mean(GM_perco$corr_A == GM_perco$corr_B)
#> [1] 0.4
#>  [1]  1  2  3  7 13  6 19  4 18 15  5 11 14  9  8 16 10 17 12 20

summary(GM_perco, g1, g2, true_label = 1:20)
#> Call: gm(A = g1, B = g2, seeds = seeds, method = "percolation", r = 2, 
#>     ExpandWhenStuck = FALSE)
#> # Matches: 17
#> # True Matches:  5, # Seeds:  3, # Vertices:  20, 20
#>   common_edges 132.000000
#>  missing_edges  20.000000
#>    extra_edges  17.000000
#>          fnorm   8.602325
plot(g1[], g2[], GM_perco)

# expand when stuck
GM_exp <- gm(g1, g2, seeds, method = "percolation", r = 4, ExpandWhenStuck = TRUE)
#> gm(A = g1, B = g2, seeds = seeds, method = "percolation", r = 4, 
#>     ExpandWhenStuck = TRUE)
#> Match (20 x 20):
#>    corr_A corr_B
#> 1       1      1
#> 2       2      2
#> 3       3      3
#> 4       4      9
#> 5       5     10
#> 6       6     15
#> 7       7     20
#> 8       8      6
#> 9       9     19
#> 10     10     17
#> 11     11      4
#> 12     12      5
#> 13     13     12
#> 14     14     18
#> 15     15      8
#> 16     16      7
#> 17     17     14
#> 18     18     11
#> 19     19     13
#> 20     20     16